Route Finder

Routes for Athea to Ardagh

View 595 Tarbert to Croom: Monday to Sunday - Weekly

595 Tarbert to Croom: Monday to Sunday - Weekly

DepartsStops Times Mon - SunTimes Mon - SunTimes Mon - Sun
TarbertThe Square07:1511:1515:15
GlinMain Street, BE Stop Opp Conway's Bar07:2411:2415:24
AtheaCon Colbert Community Centre07:3911:3915:39
CarrigkerryMoores Bar07:5011:5015:50
ArdaghOpp Greaney Butchers07:5711:5715:57
ArdaghR521 Southbound07:5911:5915:59
Newcastle WestOpp Ballintemple Inn08:0812:0816:08
Newcastle WestLimerick Greenway08:1012:1016:10
Newcastle WestOpp Longcourt House Hotel08:1512:1516:15
BallingarryMain Street Opp Quaids Bar08:3312:3316:33
CroomBE Stop Old Mill Bar08:4812:4816:48
CroomMid-Western Regional Orthopaedic Hospital08:5312:5316:53
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View L21 Athea, Shanagolden to Newcastle West: Monday - Weekly

L21 Athea, Shanagolden to Newcastle West: Monday - Weekly

D.R.= Demand Responsive. This is a Demand Responsive Stop, it must be requested at the time of booking or advised before travel.

DepartsStops Times
AtheaCollins XL09:00
Athea Galeside D.R. 09:05
BallyhahillClounleharde D.R.09:15
ShanagoldenThe Old Stand 09:30
Shanagolden Stokesfield D.R. 09:40
Shanagolden Craggard D.R. 09:45
ShanagoldenDunmoylan D.R.09:55
ArdaghBallymackerry D.R.10:00
ArdaghThe Church10:10
Newcastle WestDooley's SuperValu10:20
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View L28 Athea, Shanagolden via Ardagh to Newcastle West: Friday - Weekly

L28 Athea, Shanagolden via Ardagh to Newcastle West: Friday - Weekly

Departs Stops Times
AtheaCollins XL14:30
AtheaGaleside D.R.14:35
BallyhahillClounleharde D.R.14:45
ShanagoldenStokefield D.R.14:55
ShanagoldenCraggard D.R.15:00
ShanagoldenDunmoylan D.R.15:10
ShanagoldenThe Old Stand Restaurant15:20
ArdaghBallymackerry D.R.15:30
ArdaghThe Church15:35
Newcastle WestDooley's SuperValu15:45

View L28 Newcastle West, Athea, Ardagh: Friday - Weekly

L28 Newcastle West, Athea, Ardagh: Friday - Weekly

D.R.= Demand Responsive. This is a Demand Responsive Stop, it must be requested at the time of booking or advised before travel.

DepartsStops Times
Newcastle WestDooley's SuperValu08:55
AtheaCollins XL09:15
AtheaGaleside D.R.09:20
BallyhahillClounleharde D.R.09:30
BallyhahillStokefield D.R. 09:40
ShanagoldenCraggard D.R.09:45
ShanagoldenDunmoylan D.R.09:55
ArdaghBallymackerry D.R.10:00
ArdaghThe Church10:10
Newcastle WestDooley's SuperValu10:20
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