TFI Local Link Limerick Clare is a company set up for the express purpose of providing transport to communities within Counties Limerick and Clare.
TFI Local Link Limerick Clare is a not-for-profit company and is one of fifteen Transport Coordination Units for rural transport funded by the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport and administered by the National Transport Authority.
You will most likely know us by looking at our results



Provision of access to relevant, timely and safe public transport services on an equitable basis to residents in our operational area to enable them to be active participants in society.
The mission of the company is to provide a quality, accessible and sustainable level of rural public transport complementing where possible existing transport services thus allowing everyone in the community to have access to social, economic and other services.

Our Demand Responsive services operate semi flexible routes throughout Limerick and Clare and can deviate up to 8km to pick passengers up at their own doors. These services are one or two days a week
Our Regular Rural Bus services operate on fixed routes between towns and villages providing connectivity to ongoing transport services. These services are higher frequency and Monday to Sunday
Free Travel pass holder can use our services FREE
Children under 5 travel free
Full fare grids at the bottom of each timetable
Regular Rural Bus services also cater to further reductions through TFI GO, Leap Cards and Young Adult Card
All services are coordinated centrally through the Local Link Limerick Clare Offices on 069-62546 and 065-6719101.
Our Board
Our board has 6 members consisting of representatives from West Limerick Resources CGL, Ballyhoura Development CGL, Limerick Youth Service, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board, West Limerick Independent Living, Failte Ireland and the General Community
Manager: Anne Gaughan
Finance Administrator: Maria Rozworska
Office Coordinator: Majella Scanlon
Transport Operations Coordinator Limerick: Marie O'Connor
Transport Operations Coordinator Clare: Cillian Griffey
Technical & Compliance Coordinator: Kathleen Kiely
Receptionist & Transport Supervisor: Kalen O'Connor
Receptionist & Marketing Administrator: Eilish Guiry
Receptionist & Data Analysis Controller: Siobhan Delahunty
Receptionist Transport Administrator: Cassidy O’Brien
TFI Local Link Limerick Clare have contracted local providers where possible to provide these services. Our services are available to anyone who wishes to avail of them.
Social Inclusion
A key principle of the company is to provide innovative community based initiatives for transport services in rural areas with a view to addressing the issue of social exclusion in rural Ireland, which is caused by a lack of access to transport.

County Limerick & North Cork Transport Group CLG t/a TFI Local Link Limerick Clare
RCN: 20144425
CHY: 21501
Company Registration Number: 361673
Our 2022 financial accounts can be found at www.cro.ie and www.charitiesregulator.ie
The company complies with the Charities Governance Code