Drivers are entitled to expect passengers to cooperate in ensuring everyone on the bus travels safely. Drivers may terminate mid service or refuse service if passengers do not comply with the following code of conduct;
- Passengers must wear a mask to travel on bus.
- Passengers are advised to use hand sanitiser provided.
- Passengers must wear safety belts where they are fitted. The seat belt must not be removed until the bus has come to a complete stop.
- Passengers should not walk around the bus while it is in motion and must never get off while the bus is in motion.
- Passengers must follow the safety instructions of the driver or any assistant in the event of a fire or other serious accident.
- All passengers should be at the bus for the timetable departure time as to not delay or disrupt scheduled services and other passengers.
- A passenger shall not wilfully obstruct or impede the driver or any other person employed in or about the vehicle.
- The front seats of the bus should be left vacant unless the bus is full.
- All passengers shall comply with any lawful direction given to them by the driver including a request for them to leave or not to enter the vehicle.
- A passenger shall not use obscene or offensive language or conduct himself/herself in a riotous or disorderly manner.
- A passenger shall not smoke cigar, e-cigarette or cigarette in any part of the vehicle.
- A passenger shall not, to the annoyance of other passengers, either use or operate any wireless apparatus or other instrument or make or combine with any other person or persons to make any excessive noise by singing, shouting or otherwise.
- A passenger shall not throw out of the vehicle any bottle, liquid or litter or any other article or item, likely to harm any persons or to cause danger or injury to any person or property.
- Passengers cannot carry on a vehicle any animal except with the permission of the driver, which permission can be withdrawn at any time by the driver, and in such portion of the vehicle as the driver shall direct.
- All passengers must deliver up to the driver any article of lost property found by them on the vehicle.
- Any passenger or intending passenger who is in the opinion of the driver in a condition likely to be offensive to passengers in the vehicle may be refused service.
- Any passenger or intending passenger whose clothing is such that it may cause damage to the linings or cushions of the vehicle or the clothing of other passengers in the vehicle may be refused service.
- Drivers should report any unruly behaviour to the TCU Manager as well as their own Manager. The TCU Manager will devise a plan of action to deal with the passenger’s behaviour and communicate this to the driver and passenger.
- Passengers under 5 years of age must be accompanied at all times by a responsible person 16 years or older.
- Passengers aged 5 to 11 years may travel unaccompanied before 7pm on journeys of less than 30km. After 7pm they must be accompanied by a responsible person over 16 years of age.
- Where doubt exists as to the eligibility of a child for unaccompanied travel, it is the responsibility of the passenger claiming such eligibility to produce evidence of age.